single and feeling lonely

hi my name is John and i am looking for a serious relatiomship. I live in Waukesha Wi and am looking for someone that lives close. Own my own condo and have a good buisiness. Love to cook fish camp take walks watch movies and spoil you with my love.I will admit I tried this once before and i actually got calls from men. That really turned me off. I am 55 yrs old and looking for someone that is no younger than 37.I will be honest and say i love women with big breasts that would be a plus but honetly and truthfully just looking for a women i can spend time with. one reason I dont get around that much is Idont drive because i got a dwi in 2004 and have not driven since. if you are sincere and looking for the same.let me take care of me at2623494066 hope to here from you.if i am not at home please leave a message and i will call u right back



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