Spacious 2 Bed2 Bath Ranch Condo with 2-car attached Garage

5523 Sandhutton Ct Rockford IL 61108Spacious 2 Bed 2 Bath Ranch Condo with 2-car attached Garage Washer Dryer & all appliances included Close to everything yet tucked into a quiet wooded location Beautiful and convenient Condo Living at Walden Woods awaits you With its open concept the Macintosh Floorplan offers 2 bedrooms and 2 baths on the main level a large great room including a dining area and a fully-equipped eat-in kitchen with sliding doors that lead to the sun-filled patio. Mainfloor Master Bedroom has a large walk-in closet and private bath. The first-floor laundry includes a washer & dryer. Attached 2-car garage. Lovely location on a cul-de-sac just minutes from I-90 I-39 and US20 - close to shopping schools and medical facilities. 1 2 3 Year lease terms short term available 850johnm_robbinssr(at)



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