AKC English White Labradors

Beautiful English White and Light Cream Blocky Labrador puppies for sale to approved homes. Quality top pedigree with lines from Twin Ponds Oxford White Labs Loyal Labradors Goldberry and Castlewood. Very intelligent loyal dogs with complete health testing. Pictured are puppy from current litter mother and father. If you are looking for a gorgeous top quality labrador please do take a peek at our dogs. Only raising the best with calm temperments and very trainable for obedience. We have 4 females and 3 males left in this litter. Ready to go around October 25. Please check out our website for more information pictures. We are a small hobby breeder raising puppies in home. Our dogs make wonderful loyal family companions service therapy show or hunting companions. Vet checked dew claws removed first shots. Parents OFA Hip Elbow checked and DNA tested. www.sugarlanewhitelabs.com



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