Commercial Driver - 19017268

What s In It For YOU - Full Benefits including work boots & uniforms - Paid Training WM will send you to our start-of-the-art training facility in Florida for two weeks all expenses paid What Do You Need To Apply - Valid DZ AZ license & 1 years experience driving a commercial vehicle - 18 years of age & legally eligible to work in Canada with a valid SIN - Able to successfully pass a post-offer pre-employment background check consisting of a MTO medical drug test criminal history search licence verification and employment confirmationWhat Will You Do Our Drivers safely navigate driveways alleyways lots high traffic and congested roadways and may operate in tight overhead environments while on industrial routes. Highly skilled backing maneuvers are essential to successfully perform this job When you drive for WM you join a team of the best drivers in the nation - professional well trained and skilled. Our drivers work hard and drive safe They know they are valued front-line team members who are the key in making WM 1 in the industry. They are rewarded with competitive pay great benefits opportunity for growth and they are home nights & weekends. Please apply now on the site below or call 877.220.5627 to speak with a Waste Management recruiter today s frontlineoperations us en job 19017268 Equal Opportunity Employer Minority Female Disability Veteran



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