2013 Heartland Road Warrior 415 Fifthwheel For Sale

2013 Heartland Road Warrior 415 Fifthwheel. 18 rims. Cummins Owen 5500 built in gen set. 2 bath room 1 full bath other half bath. 12ft toy hauler with railings and deck out of the back. Factory plumped for washer and dryer set up. 3 slides. Ice maker. Dual door fridge and freezer. Built in vacuum and sweep catcher. 4 reclining chairs. 2 queen size beds that slide down in toy hauler. 100 fresh water. 80 gal black grey. Hydraulic jacks. Electric rear jacks. Loft over the living room with a gate double bed. Gas electric fridge and hot water tank. 4 season. Lots to offer just trying to down size with having a family Great trailer never stayed in the winter If your a adventure this may be yours. Financing available. Please call 780-220-9827 to view.



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