2013 Keystone Fuzion 301 Toy Hauler For Sale

2013 Keystone Fuzion 301 Toy Hauler. these toy haulers are ideal for exploring. Boasting a full sized 10-foot garage separated from the living area by a vapor door. Carry Dirt bike (s) ATV Side by Side ATV (dependent on length). Even a freezer if required . ALL toys go with you. WINTER PACKAGE on this model. This double slide travel trailer type toy hauler features a queen bed up front 2 Queen size beds on Happi Jac Electric bed lift in garage. All lights changed to LED. 2-100 watt solar panels on roof. 106 gallon (402 liters) fresh water capacity and a 6 gallon(2 liter) AC LPG water heater 32 gallon( 121 liters) black and Grey holding tanks each. Also has an Onan 5500 watt gasoline generator and a 26 gallon (98 liter) fuel station. 50 amp Electrical Service. Air conditioner in front with capability of putting second AC in garage. Front and rear stabilizer jacks. Outside shower. 15 Aluminum wheels and trailer tires. China toilet. Fantastic Fan. Power patio Awning...so MUCH more. Financing available. Please call 250-574-4195 to view.



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