1998 New Holland Tractor 6635R Two Wheel Drive

Online Auction for Government Surplus - Auction Ends 09 30 2019 - To view auction details go to www.govdeals.com and Search For 12483-27. Click the QAL box and then hit search.1998 New Holland Tractor 6635R Two Wheel DriveRemoved from service - August 2019Condition when removed from service - Started & ranCurrent condition - WorkingReason for being auctioned - Scheduled for replacementMaintenance Schedule - Every 250hrs - As requiredFuel - DieselEngine information - 4 cylinder turbo Iveco 84HpTransmission - StandardDrive-train - 2WDSize Dimensions - 108 tall 154 long 65 wideNotable attachments - 3 point hitch 2 rear remotes one with float 880lbs of front suitcase weights covered canopyNotable body damage - Peeling paintKnown issues - Rear tires have some cuts on the lugsRecent major repairs (last 12 months) - Muffler replacedItems seen in images surrounding asset are NOT included with asset neither are operator and service manualsExterior - Scratches dents dings & rust are presentExterior - Corporate decals have been (or) will be removed - Impressions may remain PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION



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