AKC Lab Pups from Championship Lines

Beautiful black and yellow puppies born 8 16 19. 2 yellow males 2 yellow females 2 black males and 1 black female. At three weeks old they are already curious and starting to show interest in the world around them. We have been anxiously awaiting this litter and are excited for their potential. Dewclaws have been removed and puppy shots and deworming will be current. They will be ready for their forever homes 10 11 19. Dam is Oakley. Her pedigree can be found at s www.huntinglabpedigree.com pedigree.asp id 126245. She is the great granddaughter of 2xNAFC FC Candlewoods Ramblin Man and 2xNAFC 2xCNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac . She has a crazy hunt drive and loves to pick up antlers. Despite no formal training she has proven her ability to learn and her desire to please. Sire is Gage. His pedigree can be found at s www.huntinglabpedigree.com pedigree.asp id 103797 He is the direct son of 14 NAFC FC AFC Texas Troubador . You won t find a better pedigree anywhere Only 4 untitled dogs in 5 generations Gage has proven his hunt ability with his Senior Hunt title. He loves to retrieve with a great off switch when he is in the house. Both dam and sire are EIC and CNM clear. Oakley s preliminary x-ray s look really good and Gage s hips are excellent and elbows are normal. Now accepting non-refundable deposits of 200 to hold your pick of the litter.



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