Custodian - Full Time Cleaners NEEDED

PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Clean classrooms meeting rooms offices and restrooms. Setup rooms for meetings and special events prepare coffee and tea service as required. Perform light maintenance plumbing electrical and carpentry. Move furniture and equipment. Maintain facilities in a clean orderly and safe condition. Work collaboratively and cooperatively with all staff of LCPC SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS Must be able to stand walk bend climb push pull stop twist stretch squat and lift up to 50 lbs. from floor to waist level without assistance and climb ladders up to twenty feet with assistance and up to ten feet without assistance. Must be able to work on feet for prolonged period of time. Must be able to interact with user groups. Must be fluent in reading and writing English. Previous experience in a church or Christian ministry context is preferred. Be able to fully embrace the mission vision and values of LCPC HOURS Schedule includes varying day evening and weekend hours.Please Submit your CV Here evfai



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