3708 Zion Pl Orcutt

If you re looking for that ideal place to entertain family & friends you ll want to see this one This Orcutt home offers 3BR 2BA 1285 SF of comfortable living space and a back yard that s built for entertaining. Inside you ll find a light & airy floor plan living room family room dining area with a fireplace spacious kitchen w beautiful Italian tile flooring that resembles wood planks and ample cabinets and master bedroom w en-suite bathroom. Both bathrooms have been updated with light fixtures faucets tile flooring and wood vanities w sinks. The seller added an inside door in one of the bedrooms for easy access to your finished 2 car garage. You can relax and enjoy the solitude found in your huge rear yard featuring a beautiful flowerbed rose garden fruit tree large lawn area horseshoe pit covered wood deck and brick paver patio. You ll also find two utility sheds a dog run and separate dog pen storage area. The size of this yard presents lots of potential In front you ll appreciate the U-shaped driveway that offers easy street access as well as valuable off-street parking when you need it This well-kept home is situated on a large 10 454 SF corner lot close to Alice Shaw Elementary & Lakeview Jr. HS and an easy commute to VAFB. Call today to view this wonderful home Presented at 419 000. Information deemed reliable but not verified or guaranteed by broker.Help-U-Sell Real Estate Santa MariaNathan Douglas Broker OwnerCA BRE 01786154www.kensells.com



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