START OFF 2019 NEW YEAR with a STORAGE CONTAINER FOR SAFE & SECURE STORAGE OF ALL THOSE NEW TOYS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 4-WHEELERS BIKES ETC.WHILE SUPPLIES LAST DON T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY to PURCHASE YOUR NEW or USED Storage Container DELIVERED to your location. 2375 tax (MARTINEZ GA Area)Condition GOOD USEDGuaranteed WATERPROOF WEATHERPROOF PESTPROOFSize Dimensions 20 SD 40 SD 40 HCPROTECT your personal valuables and possessions at home or your expensive WORK equipment with a CONEX Container Provide PROTECTION for livestock grain and hay feed. GAIN EXTRA NEEDED STORAGE Space NEW ONE TRIP CONTAINERS AVAILABLE FOR SALE AT HIGHER RATES.Used Cargo Worthy Conex Boxes with Fast & Friendly Delivery Best Customer Service CALL FOR Prices which includes Delivery to MARTINEZ GA Area 30909 20 SD (20L x 8W x 8.6H) 237540 SD (40L x 8W x 8.6H) 2615 SALE 40 HC (40L x 8W x 9.6H) 2495 SALE PRICES CAN CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE (Price may vary some depending on different zip code and unloading method.)Can deliver ANYWHERE Nationwide INSPECTED & GUARANTEED Structurally Sound Waterproof Pest-proof NO Leaks NO Holes Good Solid Floors Doors open close seal shut and lock Prices can change with inventory & demand. Lock in your price Now PLEASE Call DEDE (at) 706 395 8811 anytime. Thanks DELIVERY METHODS Basic Delivery Customer must provide a truck tractor equipment etc. to be used as an anchor point. Tilt-bed Roll-off Trailer Delivery driver will unload by sliding container off trailer into place. Precision Delivery Crane placement in the desired location.KNOWN USES Airtight shipping storage Steel Cargo Containers w solid wood floors Equipment storage Storage Shed Mini Storage Outdoor Storage Car Collectors Antique Collector Stationary Portable Shop Farm Tool Shed Ranch Shed Tractor Storage Secure Motorcycle storage Work Shop Lawn Equipment Job Site Construction Industrial Storage Guard Shack Mobile Storage ALL CONTAINERS with steel doors Lockable & secure.Can be customize into coffee shops Diners Tobacco Shops Pet Grooming Shops etc. too many uses to list.s purchase.php a r96zgDCONNECT TO MY LinkedIn SITE s in.elwood-morris-374505166



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