Restaurant Supervisor

Job DescriptionTo assist the manager to plan organize direct and control the day-to-day operations in order to maintain a restaurant which meets Nayya standards. Ensure the satisfaction of our guest and establish a positive work environment for employees. Ensures compliance as to government regulations relative to restaurant standards Help to ensure guests and staff are working in and visiting a safe environment Measure and evaluate service standards by using various feedback tools to develop and implement plans for continuous service improvement. Other duties as required Qualification Requirements Restaurant leadership experience Customer service skills able to exceed guest expectations. A positive and team-oriented attitude. Must be able to work with minimal supervision and have a strong initiative. You must be able to perform efficiently during high volume peak periods. Must be able to work flexible hours during evening weekends and holidays. Ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment. Job Type Full-time permanentVacancy 2Experience Restaurant supervising 1 year (Required) Food industry 2 years (required) Submit resume to nayya(at)



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