4 Boys And 1 Girl Akc French Bulldog Puppies

Welcome to all the fans of French Bulldogs.I breed them for many years. In every 14 months (which are my dog s 2 cycles) I m gifted with a bunch of cute puppies. You can see them on the pictures and it s worth to compare them with the Kennel Club s breed pattern beginning with body s proportions and color ending with kink tail. I can t name the color but the pictures are natural so check by yourself. Thanks to the right match of parents the puppies were delivered quickly in natural way of birth. The puppies were richly stocked with the first milk and what is not less important they breathe noiseless even during a big effort.When you buy the puppy you ll get an agreement which will be a warranty for you and also for the puppy that they found a good home and a loving owner. I ll keep unforgotten memories and lots of pictures. Puppies are ready for new homes now.On the day purchase they will receive all the required documents and toys a blanket witch a fragrance and a supply of food.Thank you for reading the advertisment interested persons please call text for more information on them.



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