A Complete Professional Resume service that personalizes your resume to what best fits you and what you have to offer. I have over 20 years experience in Consulting Management and resume service. This would include writing resumes cover letters and conducting interviews. I know what companies look for and what they expect to see in a terrific employee Personalized and Confidential service. This is not a form resume service. I look at your background and do what I can to market you specifically A unique and fresh resume will be geared to your personality and to the position(s) that you are applying. I will highlight your experiences and strengths that will make you stand out above your competition. Services range anywhere from 60 on up dependent on what you need Contact me for a FREE QUOTE Convenient access for 7 Days a week service Call Alex or Christine at 707-889-4611 or please respond via email Resumes- Cover Letters- Interview Essay Questions- Interview Preparation



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