PABLO - Male Miniature Pinscher

Thank you for considering adoption Hi I m Pablo and my owner didn t ask the landlord if I could move in. After he found out....I had to go. I lived with children ages 7-11 years old and was great. I m crate-trained and housebroken and can go 8-9 hours before being let outside. I stand by the door to let you know. I m used to riding in the car and I m used to walking on a leash. I feel protective of my family and may growl when I first meet a visitor.Adoption fees Dogs - 110 each Cats - 40 each Kittens - 85 each Adoption fees includes free vet exam one year rabies vaccination and county tag spay neuter surgery preventative vaccinations for distemper (all cats and dogs) parvo (dogs) kennel cough (dogs) heartworm test (dogs) microchip and de-worming for roundworms.... More Info



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