Jacks - Male Shih TzuLhasa Apso Mix

Jacks comes to us as an owner surrender due to health issues with his previous owner. He is now looking for another home for the rest of his days.Take a moment to do your breed research about Shih Tzus. These adorable canines are the perfect size very resilient and despite their sometimes fragile appearance have a tough character and are pretty independent. Jacks is no exception. He was quite confident with the dogs he met here although he preferred people to other canines. That said he may be fine living with another well matched dog. His exercise requirements should not be excessive figure on a couple of walks around the neighborhood per day. Jacks should be fine with kids ages ten and up. He will require brushing on a regular basis and professional grooming periodically.There are many advantages to adopting an older dog. They do not need as much exercise housetraining is not an issue and they know the ropes. If you are interested in adopting a nice older dog take a look at Jacks he my be your perfect choice. Primary Color Chestnut Secondary Color White Weight 25.6 Age 7yrs 8mths 3wks... More Info



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