Sam 250 - Male Australian ShepherdDoberman Pinscher Mix

Sam is one of three boys from a litter we think are Australian Shepherd x Doberman mixes. They are 4 months very sweet and in need of foster or forever homes. 250 adoption fee includes neuter vaccines dewormed microchipped. Seneca SC. Sam does have demodex which he s receiving treatment for. It s not contagious and he s expected to make a full recovery.Most of our pets are obtained from animal control and therefore we are not certain of their breed or breed mix. We list breed mixes that they most resemble or that their former owners said they were. However we don t make any guarantees about breed - it is a best guess Our adoption fees include the spay neuter surgery deworming vet exam and up to date vaccines. It also includes microchipping as well as heartworm testing or feline leukemia testing.Please email or call us at (864)---X for more information. This phone number will reach Crossroads Animal Hospital which is the home of CARE. During business hours a receptionist will be able to speak with you regarding our adoptable pets. After business hours the only way to contact CARE is via email. Our puppies and kittens are also eligibile for 25% off the rest of the vaccines in their puppy kitten vaccination series at Crossroads Animal Hospital. Most adult pets are spayed neutered prior to adoption. Puppies and kittens may have the surgery before adoption or we may have new owners return later for the surgery. For more information about CARE and to see our adoption application go to our website -.-------X.-To meet one of our adoptable pets or to start the adoption process please access the adoption application on our website -.-------X.- and email it to ----X(at)---. We will then approve you (sending in the application does not obligate you to adopt) and we can set up a time for you to meet one or more of our pets. You can then pay the adoption fee and offiicially adopt after meeting your new family member. Alternatively you can do the adoption over the phone before meeting your new pet. The benefit to this is that we will hold the pet for you. However the adoption fee is non-refundable if you changed your mind after adopting over the phone.... More Info



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