Twelve pups (7 female and 5 male) born on 8 20 18 will range from black to blue or silver as adults. This litter was bred to produce low shedding and low allergen companion dogs with hybrid vigor. Pups can go to new homes the week of 10 15 2018 after their first healthy check-up and vaccinations. Parents have been tested and shown to have healthy hips knees eyes and heart.Mother is a 55 pound goldendoodle who stands 23 inches at the shoulder. Her parents are an AKC golden retriever and an AKC chocolate poodle. She is sweet gentle playful loving people oriented and enjoys walks off leash in the woods.Father stands 25 inches high at the shoulder and weighs 60 pounds. His father is a blue AKC poodle of Russian descent that won awards as a show dog and as a guide dog. Father s mother is an AKC silver poodle. He is charming sweet tempered joyful athletic and good with young children. He loves to play and will adapt his play to suit his playmates.See our website for photos of both parents and we will soon post more photos of the pups as they grow s vashonislandgoldendoodles.shutterfly.com Our male pups are 1300 and female pups are 1400 both require a 300 non-refundable deposit to hold your pup. This price includes worming first veterinary health check-up and first round of puppy vaccinations. Pups go to new homes with starter food collars chew toy and blanket with scent of litter and mom to help adjust to new setting.Since we take great care in the raising of our pups we will NOT ship these pups without an accompanying adult.We offer information on this breed and how to care of these dogs on our web pages and also testimonials from families who have purchased pups from us in the past. Please call or write with any questions.



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