2015 Keystone Raptor 412TS Toy Hauler For Sale

2015 Keystone Raptor 412TS Toy Hauler. Fully Loaded. Interior Value Package - King Bed Master Suite. Upgraded Exterior Package. Entertainment Package (Stereo Soundbar 3 x Flat Screen TVs). Fireplace Central Vac 12 Cubic Foot side by side fridge. Washer Dryer Hookups. Black Tank water flush system Outdoor Water taps wash down. 16 Premium Wheel and Tire Upgrade. 6 Point Hydraulic Auto Leveling Jacks. Correct Track Tri-Axle. Safety Package (Fire Extinguishers detectors). ONAN 5500 W Generator. 2 x 30 GAL Fuel Tanks (Generator and Fuel Station). 2 x 13.5 BTU Air Conditioners. Rear Ramp Patio w Awning and Patio Steps Pull Down Screen in Cargo area. GARMIN Wireless NAV w Backup Camera. 2 x Power Awnings w LED Lighting. Electric beds with dual opposing Couches in Garage (12 foot). Lippert AirRide Kingpin and will throw in Reese R20K Fifth Wheel Hitch w Tube Slider. Please call 403-504-4969 to view.



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