Shaggy - Male Wirehaired Fox TerrierMiniature Pinscher Mix

My name is Shaggy and I m a 4 1 2 pound Wire Hair Terrier Min Pin mix. I was born April 29th so I m just a baby yet. I ve heard all the comments I m so ugly I m cute I have a face only a mother could love. I look in the mirror and see adorable I m not your typical tiny dog I m very social and outgoing. I like other dogs and love to play. I mostly ignore cats they are all bigger than I am anyway. I like people and love to be held and cuddled. Because I m tiny I m looking for a home with smaller dogs and no small children. I should weigh between 10 and 14 pounds when I m full grown. I m neutered up to date on vaccinations and microchipped. I just need a forever home. If you would like to meet Shaggy please complete our adoption application from our website -.----.-. If you have questions about Shaggy you can contact -(at)-----X or call -----X. Adopters within an hour of Cedar Rapids IA only please. Indoor homes only. Adoption donation - 250... More Info



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