TUREAN - Female Australian Cattle Dog

Thank you for considering adoption Turean was the WQRF-TV Pet of the Week on 7 21 16 She is an adorable Australian Cattle Dog mix. She is about 9 years old and came to us as an owner surrender. Her previous owner stated that she gets along amazing with other dogs cats and they even had guinea pigs and hamsters She gets along amazing with kids as she had a 5 10 and 15 year old She understands basic commands and loves treats She is housebroken and crate trained. Her owner also stated that she is a really good dog She just had a dental done sponsored by the WCAS Auxiliary. She seems pretty perfect huh Well come see for yourself She is a Golden Whiskers Member so her adoption fee is 55 also sponsored by the Auxiliary Adoption fees Dogs - 110 each Cats - 40 each Kittens - 85 each Adoption fees includes free vet exam one year rabies vaccination and county tag spay neuter surgery preventative vaccinations for distemper (all cats and dogs) parvo (dogs) kennel cough (dogs) heartworm test (dogs) microchip and de-worming for roundworms.... More Info



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