Mini schnoodle puppies - Price: 500

Puppies birth date 4 29 13 Schnoodles are non-shedding Hypo-allergenic dogs so make good pets for those with allergies or folks that don t want hair and fur all over their house Ours have soft fluffy to schnauzer like coats and they re colors are whitecream cream apricot to red They also are up to date on shots and worming and have tails plus dew claws done we are located near Spokane and can meet to deliver for those that would like to choose their new puppy by pictures the cost of delivery depending on how far we travel These babies are family raised and will do great with children of all ages. They have sweet loving friendly temperments and are fun loving as well For more info on puppies or to see please give us a call at 509-722-4721. Thank you MALES 500 FEMALE 600



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