1 F1b Goldendoodle Male Pup Left

This pup was our granshild s favorite and we cannot believe he is still available Sid (short for Obsidian) is our last available pup from a litter of a dozen his adoptive family decided this was not a good time for them to bring home a puppy so he is looking for a new home. He will be 8 weeks old and ready to go to his new home as of 10 13. Parents have health certifications. Father is lovely AKC blue standard poodle of Russian descent who loves to play. Mother is F1 goldendoodle and all pups seem to have inherited her sweet personality. Sid will be about 55-60 pounds when full grown and will turn blue as he grows. Price includes 1st Vet visit 1st shots and wormed 3X. Will go home with food chew toy blanket scented with mom and litter mates and folder of information on care and family background and health certifications. This is out last pup from our last litter of 10 years of breeding goldendoodles - we think this is our finest litter yet Pups are intelligent and affectionate. For texting 206-910-7141 Go to vashonislandgoldendoodles.shutterfly.com to see our website. This pup was our granshild s favorite and we cannot believe he is still available



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