Aladdin - Male Shepherd (Unknown Type)Labrador Retriever

Hi I am Aladdin My litter was born here in Illinois but our mama came from Kentucky. Our mom is a Shepherd Lab and another type of breed mix. We aren t quite sure what breed our dad was. Our mom is about 40 pounds. We are eight weeks old on July 13 and are looking for foster to adopt homes. We will be able to do permanent adoptions mid September at 16 weeks old. We are all good natured and are very excited to start finding our forever homes.Good Shepherd Animal Sanctuay inc is a 501c3 not for profit foster home based animal shelter serving Winnebago and the surrounding communities. Applications for adoption of foster dogs will be available and once reviewed a home visit is required prior to adoption to introduce adoptable dog to your entire family and other pets. Potentail adopters must live within a 1 hour radius of Rockford IL.... More Info



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