Frech Bulldog Puppies ACK reg Champ bloodlines mom here BEAUTIES

We had our litter of 4 beautiful french bullies 8 weeks ago. Two have been sold right off the bat before we were even able to post these but two black brindle females are left. Both female one male.they both are fully ACK registered and come with their AKC puppy packs. Our mom with us ZuZu is here on site and is our baby. The sire (dad) lives in Redmond WA and is a Champion show-dog. I can and will provide pics of dad if needed and contact info.Puppies come vet checked first set of shots de-wormed health guaranteed for a year and loved like our children. Right now they are almost all black (one has a white patch on her chest and one on her chin) but as they age they will develop their brindle over the course of a year or two. They are weened and eating solids and are very healthy. We have small children who hold these girls daily as well as other pets and these girls are very well adjusted. Will do great in either a family with small or older children with other pets or not.Both females and asking 500-1000 each.See pictures. These pics were taken in a hurry so we can and will send better pics if wanted.We DO SHIP our babies anywhere.



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