Enormous Back To School Sale---Multi-family Rummage in one Neigh

Enormous Back to School Sale---Husband says Sell all Multifamily Rummage in one neighborhood Several racks of Girl s 3 months-Junior s name brand clothing (ALL seasons)---Abercrombie Land s End Gap Old Navy Levi s Aeropostale (just to name a few ) School approved uniform pieces winter spring coats snow pants boots scarves hats & mittens shoes of various sizes toys---Fisher Price Thomas & Friends Cabbage Patch Kids Lala Loopsie puzzles children s books galore baby crib baby bedding strollers pack n play Radio Flyer tricycle outdoor slide wooden wagon LOADS of wooden toys coffee table fishing reels craft items candles general household items cookbooks school supply items including backpacks Schlage locks 50 lbs. of nails tables of seasonal items---including a Christmas Village set Retired Precious Moments many unique jewelry pieces---too many to name collectibles glassware tables of frames etc. Too many items to list Don t miss out---items won t last long Priced to sell No early sales. 1505 Swartz Drive Waukesha WI 9 12-9 15 Daily from 8am-5pm



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