Odd jobs

I am in need of doing odd jobs so i can try and get my own place. Would have to be around winchester cause i dont have a lisense and i dont drive.. can travel to other areas if willing to help with gas wise cause my aunt can bring me. Are you tired of doing everyday chores just give me a message no job to big or small. I would appreciate any help. Can t do alot of heavy lifting cause i am 26 weeks pregnant but i can do dishes dusting laundry sweeping mopping some cooking collecting pop cans and and scrap products errands groceries store and take to dr appts if help with gas cause cabs are so expensive. Also do babysitting if u need a evening out just let me know what i can do for you. Have signed up for low income housing just put on a waiting list. Keep checking on other applications just no one hiring right now so need to find other ways to make cash to support my kids and get my own place. You can get ahold of me at brittany.heinlen28(at)yahoo.com



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