3 ft. x 8 ft. Two Ponies Rug by Company Store Brand - Price: $5

This rug is in great condition. It is Pre-Owned but was cared for lovingly. Daughter outgrew it honestly. It is 100% Wool with 100% cotton backing. I purchased this rug originally through the Company Store magazine for about 399 Being sold here extremely reasonable considering. It is a heavy rug which will NOT move around on your floor. It will stay put. You can also see it here......... csr.ebay.com cse v2 review.jsf mode revise& item 111103567191& redirected 8 I have the entire collection of Queen sized matching heavy Quilt matching sheet sets with pillow cases and the throw pillow. This elegant collection is also for sale together as a set for 150 which includes the rug. Anyone seriously interested can call me at 609-668-715 Terry Nason



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