
Kennel VolunteerJoin our team of caring and awesome volunteers who work at our Rescue facility taking care of our puppies dogs Experience it once and you will want to come back You must be at least 18 years old (sorry no exceptions) for this position. Major Responsibilities Socializing and comforting the dogs -- Give our pups lots of love and hugs Walk dogs Clean kennels crates Prepare food and feed dogs Wash dog bowls Give an occasional dog a bath Organize supplies Sometimes take home laundry (not required) Teach basic obedience commands Length of term At least 1-2 month commitment for 3 hours per week. Only 1 shift per week is required. 4 Available Shifts - Weekday Shift 9 30am to 1pm - Weekday Shift 7pm to 10pm - Weekend Shift 10am to 1pm - Weekend Shift 6pm to 9pm Requirements Must be at least 18 years old Volunteers interact with dogs of various sizes shapes breeds and manners Must pick up dog waste on walks it& 39 s a dirty job but we all have to do it Next Step Please complete our Volunteer Application (takes less than 2 minutes) on our website volunteer Contact us volunteer(at) or www.ruffhouserescue(at)



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