Tucker - Male Dachshund Mix

Tucker is a 4 year old male doxy mix. He came to us from WCAS with demodex mange and kennel cough. He is recovering nicely and his hair is growing back. He has a sweet and fun personality. He gets along well with other dogs but could do well as an only dog. He s very anxious when in a cage so we stopped crating him. He s completely house broken and let s you know when he needs to go out. He loves to sleep with us to go for walks and car rides. He s neutered microchipped up to date on his shots. If interested please fill out an application on our website -.------X.- and we can set up a time to meet them as we are a foster based rescue adoptions fees include spay neuter microchip vaccines heartworm check for dogs FeLV test for cats and flea heartworm prevention ... More Info



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