AKC English Bulldog Puppy Black Tri Male-9-weeks old

AKC English Bulldog Puppy Black Tri Male 9-weeks old. AKC Registered. Very Unique & Stunning color High Luster Black Gorgeous. With Dawg Gone Rocky Road CH Sir Ikenhimer Papa Smurf an WB Tuxedo Lines. Already developing some nice wrinkles nice rope. Puppies are raised in a clean and sterile environment in our home. Planned breedings to maintain our professional line of quality. Know that when you buy a pup from us we will be there every step of the way to ensure that you maintain a healthy puppy. Learn more with all the information on our website www.AngelsEnglishBulldogs.weebly.com. Payment plans Accepted. Now taking Deposits. Call Carl or Vicky Anytime 630-306-7827 779-200-0843



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