Wesson - Male Catahoula Leopard Dog Mix

Wesson is a perfect example of a perfect pup He loves everyone he meets. Wesson and his bonded buddy Colt were abandoned when their people moved. Wesson was a tiny puppy Colt was about a year old and had been left chained. Wesson refused to leave his chained buddy choosing instead to stay next to him even if it meant starving. Wesson was emaciated and in bad shape when we got them. During the two weeks it took the shelter to get Wesson to a point of stability Colt never once left his side. These boys have been through so much together and they are super bonded. Because of their deep love and attachment to each other we just don t feel good about separating them. This pair would be amazing in any good home. They have been to many many adoption events. Everyone that meets them loves them. But being a bonded pair they haven t met their new family yet. People don t know what we know about these boys that they would be such an easy pair to care for. They entertain each other and are perfectly behaved.Colt and Wesson are currently in the CARA shelter in MS. They will transport to PA once they have an approved adopter. Their combined adoption fee of 400 covers all vetting (neutering shots etc.) plus transportation of PA. To apply for this amazing duo go to -XX --.- dog_application... More Info



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