23+ Acre Farm For Sale, Kettle Moraine Area, Spring Fed Ponds -

23.39 beautiful acres with spring fed ponds and artesian springs and fenced-in lush pasture await your horses or livestock. Water from the springs run year-round. The house and barn were built around 1867 and still retain some of the charming details such as beams around some ceilings spoon carved front door original moldings and heat grates. The barn is currently set up as 1 2 art studio wood shop 1 2 slip and gated stalls. There is also a milk house shed 3 car garage and chicken coop included. The pond is stocked with gills and bass and fenced all around for safety. The house has been recently painted and carpeted on the inside and outside. There is a custom deck to watch the beautiful sunsets year-round. A new mound septic system was installed in 2012 and the barn has new electrical amp service for the serious woodworker. Fish and hunt at home on your own land. The acreage also sports some wooded land which is taxed as forest land. Taxes in 2012 were 2561.00. We have been granted a one acre split which someone could sell or build a new house on. No pesticides or herbicides have been used here in over 25 yrs. A pre-approval letter from your bank and an appointment are required for a showing of this unique farm. Thanks for looking. Call Katy or Greg at 262-470-3435 for questions or showing. Craigslist milwaukee.craigslist.org for 3920498286.html



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