Stunning Full Imperial Shiz Tzu Girl With Pedigree

Hi this is one of the hardest and most heartbreaking decisions I ve ever had to make due to the fact I m under the home improvements scheme with the council my house is being totally renovated I m having to part with my 3 shihbtzu s as this is going to cause so much disruption for them. Please remember this is for a dog and not a car please only call if you are serious about offering her a home. This advert is for my gorgeous little black and white girl shes a full imperial and she is now just over a year old and is just having her second season. She is an absolute joy to own has never had any problems she s never had a litter as is still too young and she s so very tiny. She only weighs 6LB She s a little doll. Her father is an American chocolate boy Karashishi s Ching a ling and she has other Karashishi in her pedigree too. She eats a diet of James well beloved loves her walks is very loving loves nothing more than to sit on your knee whilst your watching tv. She loves to play ball loves being groomed she goes for a cut wash blowdry every 2 weeks and loves being pampered. She gets on well with other dogs been bought up with children she s perfect in every way.



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