Miniature Yorkshire Terrier Pedigree Puppies

my fantastic litter of really small bred yorkshire terrier puppies are now ready for their new loving family homes as they are 9 and a half weeks old. they are fully weeened wormed flea treated vet checked and vaccinated. theses little stunners have been lavishly raised up indoors to the highest standards with no exspence speared on bringing them up. puppies have been wormed on a regular basis with drontal puppy wormer and flea treated with front line. they are also been fed on a dry food called royal cannin which can be purchased in any petsathomes or vet stores. puppies are eating 4 meals daily. each puppy will leave home with food supply instruction guide to help you with your puppy full copies of both parents 3 generation pedigree certificate vaccination card. i have 2 boys and 2 girls available puppies mum is a tea cup size yorkshire terrier and dad was miniature size yorkshire terrier. so puppies are gonna be very small when fully grown for any more inquires please call or text (240) 317-4561



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