Dachshunds dogs unaltered 5 years old house broken need new home

Dachshunds dogs unaltered 6 years old housebroken need new homes They are bonded and have been together sense birth. Parents on premises They are both gorgeous Ricky is the one in the first picture. Ricky is a chocolate red with green eyes a real sweetheart ... loves riding in the car going to the park walks and sleeping under the cover he is about 23 lbs very easy going disposition.Scooby is much wider and solid muscle real old style german type doxie dog over 30 lbs. Beautiful mahogany color both are show quality dogs... Due to unforeseen reasons need rehoming would like a situation that keeps them together.small rehoming fee depending if you can take both.email me with any questions please include contact number. or call 727-333-7231Thanks Rick



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