7 Rough Collie PuppiesTri sSableWhite Factored Sables

Hi Everyone Im Taking Deposits ONLY on 7 Rough Collie Puppies Tri s Sable White Factored Sables 4 girls and 3 boys Born 5 16 2019 and will be ready to go in or around July 16 all are in excellent healthy condition Parents are AKC & CKC the puppies have been born and raised in my home by me and my grandkids they will be wormed vet checked with there first baby shot by the time there ready to leave limited registration is available at a extra charge..(No Breeding Rights)Adoption Fee is between 650 and 750 depending on the puppy to make it fair for all the puppies..Application is Required to adopt from me (to insure a safe loving 4-ever family homes) the application can be found at my website colliehousekennel.com I have been Raising the Rough Collies for 45 yrs If and when you pic out a puppy and make your CASH non-refundable deposit you can give me a puppy name and I will use it also you will get weekly pics of your puppy taken by me so you don t miss out on him hers PUPPYHOOD If your serious and want more information or pics on the puppies you can call Chuck at 440-668-5030 or vist us on Facebook at Collie House Kennel and or visit my website www.colliehouseThank You For Considering My PuppiesChuck (at) The Collie House Kennel & More



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