2011 Subaru Impreza 2.5i - Price: $17,995

You won t find a better Vehicle than this terrific Subaru. Climb into this sweet 2011 Impreza 2.5 i and when you roll down the street people will definitely take notice CARFAX 1 owner and buyback guarantee. Move quickly This sweet Impreza with its grippy AWD will handle anything mother nature decides to throw at you... Rolling back prices Safety equipment includes ABS Traction control Curtain airbags Passenger Airbag Stability control...FEATURES INCLUDE Power locks Power windows Air conditioning Cruise control 170 hp horsepower... This 2011 Subaru Impreza at Boucher Hyundai in Waukesha has been inspected and detailed by our Factory Certified Technicians. This Impreza includes EITHER a warranty or no-charge Smart Care Maintenance Package to save you hundreds after the sale With over 25 strong lending institutions in our Boucher Financial Network we can get you the most competitive terms Price excludes tax title license svc fee. These Imprezas sell quickly so contact our Sales Team to verify availability. Let us show you why Boucher has earned an A Rating from the Better Business Bureau and has been Riding With You Every Mile for 33 years



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