0.4 Music Teacher

Winchester Public Schools Vacancies for the 2013-2014 School Year HIGH SCHOOL Boys Varsity Soccer Coach 0.6 Spanish Teacher (dual certification) MCCALL MIDDLE SCHOOL 1.0 Spanish Teacher (1 year LOA) 0.4 Music Teacher 2.0 Teacher Assistants ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2.0 Elementary Teachers Grade 1 Teacher (LOA 9 3 13-11 27 13) Applicants should submit letter of interest resume 3 letters of recommendation transcripts and MA licensure by July 16 2013 to Human Resources 154 Horn Pond Brook Road Winchester MA 01890 Email wpsjobs(at)winchester.k12.ma.us EOE WWW.WINCHESTER.K12.MA.US...read moreApply NowCompany



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