Lead Engineer, Advanced Imaging and Applications

1754346Business GE HealthcareBusiness Segment Healthcare SystemsPosted Position Title Lead Engineer Advanced Imaging and ApplicationsCareer Level ExperiencedFunction Engineering TechnologyFunction Segment Applications and SoftwareLocation(s) Where Opening Is Available United StatesU.S. State China or Canada Provinces WisconsinCity WaukeshaPostal Code 53188-1696Relocation Expenses NoRole Summary Purpose GE is an equal opportunity employer offering a great work environment challenging career opportunities professional training and competitive compensation.Essential Responsibilities Develop advanced clinical applications and advanced features for Digital Radiography and or Fluoroscopy by working with marketing customers internal external researchers and engineers. Enhance capabilities of existing advanced clinical applications such as Dual Energy Subtraction and VolumeRAD (Tomosynthesis). Design state-of-the-art algorithms for dose control and feedback image acquisition image processing and image presentation. Prototype and conduct feasibility testing of algorithms and support the implementation into products by working with the Software Hardware and Systems engineering teams. Conduct verification and validation testing of imaging features and clinical applications during product development cycles. Support the resolution of escalated issues that require a high-level of expertise by working directly with customers local GE teams and or travel to customer sites. Contribute to the creation of white papers conference papers and specialized technical documents.Qualifications Requirements Bachelor s degree or equivalent in Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering Physics or related degree is required. Five years of progressively responsible post-Bachelor s experience in the offered position or as a Medical Imaging Software Engineer Research Assistant Lab Assistant or related occupation is required. Five years of experience must include some experience with image processing algorithm development and or hardware prototyping understanding of physics and x-ray imaging experience with MATLAB and or C C programming and experience with medical device development. In Lieu of a Bachelor s degree and 5 years experience the employer will accept a Master s in a related field and 3 years of related experience.Additional Eligibility Qualifications GE will only employ those who are legally authorized to work in the United States for this opening. Any offer of employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of a background investigation and drug screen.Apply NowCompany



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