Pharmacist - Overnight - Full Time

Responsible for all aspects of Pharmacy Operations within their store including inventory personnel and security with emphasis on customer relations. The individual responsibilities are shared equally by all Pharmacists within the store.ESSENTIAL FUNCTION Customer Service. Service and satisfy the customer s as health care needs in and out of Pharmacy area. Openly communicate with customers patients while protecting their confidential health and drug information to provide counsel to customers having medical questions. Solicit information on a customer s medical history to give appropriate medical adviceInventory Management. Maintain inventory levels by following defined ordering practices for warehouse and approved outside vendors using the Telxon machine. Utilize drug usage report to adjust shelf order bases. Maintain a perpetual schedule II inventoryShrinkage. Comply to all security Loss Prevention procedures including setting alarm secure safeHuman Resources. Provide a performance review and evaluation of subordinate staff at least on an annual basis. Coach and execute counseling discussions with technicians. Total store scheduling with store manager. Participate in total store operational meetingsMerchandising Presentation. Review new discontinued items bulletinOperations. Access input and retrieve information from the computer. Operate a cash register - including cash check and charge transactions bagging merchandise. Obtain needed information for new prescriptions and refills via telephone. Fill prescriptions (product selection counting and measuring drugs capping and uncapping vials and bottles labeling of prescriptions) and prepare compounds. Check-in price and put away all drug orders - in including CIIs. Retrieve and file prescriptions in the appropriate files (including CIIs). Pull outdated damaged and recalled merchandise and prepare for return. Complete Third Party rejections. Maintain daily and weekly reports. In cases of dispensing incidents follow company procedures notification report completion. Communicate and interact with physicians dentists nurses and others in health related fields to better serve our customer. Ensure compliance with all company procedures and federal and state laws rules and regulationsMARGINAL FUNCTIONS . Respond to alarm calls. Coordinate implement the Training and Development of Pharmacy Technicians Interns and Pharmacists. Maintain the Pharmacy Department fill Pharmacy supplies vacuum dust face wipe counter tops clean sink and settee area straighten administration area clean baker units empty trash. Establish coordinates and maintain the work schedule to best serve the needs of the customer and in accordance with budgeted payroll hours. Seek out competitive information regarding prices wages services offered store hours. Actively participate in the HEALTHWISE program. Help cover when needed during time of illness or vacations. Complete manual claim form listing. Call in weekly sales hours and script information. Complete inventory control log. Securing Pharmacy gate. Adjust merchandise facings. Record necessary transactions on reconciliation log. Update menu board. Interview hourly pharmacy non-exempt employeesDISCLAIMER The above information on this description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties responsibilities and qualifications required of employees assigned to this job.Responsible for all aspects of Pharmacy Operations within their store including inventory personnel and security with emphasis on customer relations. The individual responsibilities are shared equally by all Pharmacists within the store.Job Function PharmacistApply NowCompany



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