Logan Living quarters trailer - Price: 40,500

2007 Logan 3 horse Living Quarters Trailer. All aluminum. 15 short wall. 38 overall length. Fully self contained. Like new. Used very little. New 10 ply tires. Stud wall first stall one roof vent per horse escape door rear load lights side lights (all LED) drop windows with screens on both sides 25 gallon corner water tank in tack room. Large shower porclin toilet double kitchen sink microwave convection oven three burner gas stove large refrigerator removable dining table VERRRRY comfy bed with memory foam day night shades screens on all windows soft touch ceilings and walls ducted heat and A C solid hardwood bathroom door 110 outlets outside lots of storage space inside and out has two large propane tanks two new batteries awning side tack and mid tack hydraulic jack Onan 4000 micro quiet generator hay rack w ladder TV stereo (am fm CD) with outside and inside speakers DVD player new fold up foot step new skylight in bathroom remote control vent openers with fans. This living quarters has every option known to man. It is absolutely beautiful and very comfortable. A MUST SEE



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