Project Engineer

ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS RESPONSIBILITIES1. Ensures development launch and maintenance is in order to meet quality levels of ISOTS standards including a. monitoring of customer timelinesdeadlines b. coordinating tool runs by verification of availability of resin component tool delivery packaging timing of tool delivery etc. c. Creates BOMS work instructions and layouts for tool transfers or launches d. Assists QEs with development of guage work instructions e. Assists QEs with development quality checklists and GP12 data f. Assists QEs in retaining parts for boundary boards and making them available to Production g. Works with IT Department to ensure CMS capability to print labels ensuring master partsmaster sheets are available for Quality to scan h. Attaches customer asset tags to equipment and provides pictures at customer request2. Utilizes technical specification for ISOTS16949 and customer specific requirements3. Assists QE and Manufacturing in developing control plans in accordance with PFMEAs4. Maintains and distributes specs and standards as received from customer to meet APQP requirements participates in APQP meetingsreviews5. Participates in continuous improvement programs to ensure meeting of department performance objectives6. Participates in putting new quality systems into place and implements in the plant7. Provides manufacturing support by developing visual inspection standards analyzesevaluates process capability process control plans analysis if out-of-control conditions and process audits. Leads problem solving process to ensure that customer issues due to product designs are investigated determined and eliminated closes out corrective actions utilizing cross-functional engineering team8. Actively engages in launch from gate 0 through phase 3. Leads hand-off process for launch activities from Phase 3 to Phase 4 activities with the appropriate manufacturing function. Ensures that the receiving plant functions have all appropriate process documentation including prototype control plan DFMEAPFMEA (as appropriate) any customer specific requirements PPAP requirements customer specifications engineering requirements guaging plans MSAs and any other required APQP documentation9. Assists in making parts available for CMM10. Coordinates pre-launch shipments (special labeling shipping instructions) prior to SOP11. Communicates with program management to ensure customer needs are met12. Attends meetings to report any issues regarding launch readiness progress reports or problems13. Prepares shipments for testing and all other customer requirements14. Works with program management to develop production and service packaging15. Supports TS16949 and Baxter Quality system auditing activities in compliance of quality management systems16. Creates APQP folders ensures documents are readily available for audits reference etc. as needed at the plant level17. Travels to customer sites as needed18. Any additional duties as assigned by ManagementPHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS1. Must maintain regular and predictable attendance including frequent overtime2. Must have good visual accuity to recognize color close work with computer terminal and paperwork3. Must be able to speak before groups and various levels throughout the organization4. Must be able to use both hands and arms in working with parts of various sizes5. Must be able to alternate sitting and standing must be able to walk and climb stairs6. Must be able to stoop and bend7. Must be able to operate various computer programs8. Must be able to lift up to 25 pounds occasionally9. Must be able to communicate clearly in oral and written form use professional phone etiquetteTECHNICAL SKILLS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED1. Previous experience in quality control measures desired (TS16949 auditing inspection methods training)2. Must have excellent written and oral communication skills3. Working knowledge of various microsoft applications4. Must be self-starter and able to work with minimal supervision5. Must be able to give oral and written presentations to managers customer contacts employees co-workers



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