7773 Bradford Dr Goleta

Built in 1962 this updated Goleta gem is ready & waiting for you The light-infused 3BR 2BA floor plan offers 1146 SF of living space original hardwood flooring throughout kitchen w stainless steel appliances tile counters & flooring fresh interior paint washer & dryer and attached 2 car garage w garage door opener. Outside you ll find landscaped yards and fenced rear yard with spacious wood deck for entertaining. This charming home is situated on a 6 098 SF lot and located just minutes away from golf shopping Hwy 101 access and numerous area beaches. Here s your chance to own a piece of the California central coast Call today to view. Offered at 779 000. This property is listed as an Office Exclusive presented by Help-U-Sell Real Estate Santa Maria.Nathan Douglas Broker OwnerCA BRE 01786154www.KENSELLS.com



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