Handsome Maltese Terrier Boy

My little lad Chico is looking for a new home as we no longer can offer him the attention he deserves. He was on the 1st Jan 2014. He is of an amazing quality very short with beautiful thick silky white long hair coat jet black points and beautiful head and short cute nose. He has an amazing personality very cheeky and loveable loves playing with other dogs people and with his toys. He is very interested in everything he s a true little explorer Most of all he loves cuddles and kisses. He is an ideal home pet as he is very clean and toilet trained and generally a calm and tidy dog. He is not neutered he is KC registered and comes from excellent famous blood lines and has no fault on his own. Chico is an extremely happy dog and he has been very much loved and appreciated all his life therefore I am looking for the best home for him. He will go to his new home with both of his jabs done his KC and pedigree papers and everything we have gathered for him so far toys bed etc... If you do have any questions please TEXT me for more info. ON (240) 317-4561



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