House on sale Rio Grande by owner

Property location Rio Grande PR. 10 minutes From PR-3 Rd num 3 in Rio Grande and Route 66 12-15 min of Canovanas Outlets and Plaza Rio Grande Stands on 1 725 square meters Features One Furnished wooden treated house fresh and overlooking Coco Beach with 3 bedrooms one bathroom cosy living room with adjoining kitchen Solar heater plus a shower heater. In addition One house structure of concrete & blocks under construction 24 x 36 . One Steel storage 8 x 20 . Trees producing Mango Papaya Lemons grapefruits guavas avocados Coco Tangerines Tamarindo Pumarosa and Panaplatano Oregano Coriander Lemon grass Variety of ornamental plants and trees . 3 Emergency water reserve cisterns One cistern holds 200gl . Two cisterns hold 500gl . Each Total gl. 1 200gl . reserve water . 2 tank of gas 100 lbs each 2 Washing Machines Price 60 000.00 final



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