Clean and Cozy Finished Rec Room w Private 12 Bath and Fireplace

Looking to share my nice quiet home in the Rolling Green neighborhood (SE Rockford) with a nice quiet lodger.I have a clean & cozy large (440 sq. ft.) finished basement rec-room with private bath and a working wood-burning fireplace. The room sports built in cabinets & book shelves a window seat storage closet wood closet and four windows that let in a lot of light. It is furnished with an entertainment cabinet w TV a large over the mantle mirror loveseat armoire double dressers and a twin extra-long adjustable bed. There is even a separate private morning coffee area with a small fridge and metal cabinet to use as a mini pantry for dry goods or what ever you like.Utilities included there is a window AC unit separate heat control free Wi-Fi & cable TV on-site laundry full use of kitchen & upstairs shower. Off-street parking semi-private entrance large yard.Proof of steady income minimum of 6 months. Three references required. No pets we have two dogs. This is single occupancy no over-night guests.Lease Month-to-month for first 6 months then reconsider for longer lease. 500 month rent 250 deposit.ApplyConnect an online tenant screening service will be used to run credit criminal and background checks. You authorize the transaction and pay a one time fee to ApplyConnect currently the fee is 28.50. It is a soft-inquiry and will not affect your credit score.



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