2014 Open Range Lights 269BHS Fifthwheel For Sale

2014 Open Range Lights 269BHS Fifthwheel. Only used for 2 weeks. Still smells new. Never smoked in or had pets. Lots of storage. One queen bed 2 single bunk beds and couch folds out into a bed. Built in generator with switch inside to turn on can barley hear it run heater and a c works amazing. Has solar panels to charge battery s so they never go dead satilite. Basically all the bell and whistles. Has 3 propane tanks all the hooks up for electrical from 220 tonimarl plug in also has 2 slides so lots of space always been winterized never had leaks or used in the winter. Selling cause I want a smaller one. It is a fifth wheel can hook up on a 90 degree angle and half ton towable. Am absolute beautiful unit. If need more pictures just ask it had always been stored in heated shop. Please call 403-392-3593 to view.



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