Grand Theft Auto V - PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 Xbox One & PC Features Grand Theft Auto V for PlayStation 4 Xbox One and PC will feature a range of major visual and technical upgrades to make Los Santos and Blaine County more immersive than ever. In addition to increased draw distances and higher resolution players can expect a range of additions and improvements including new weapons vehicles and activities additional wildlife denser traffic new foliage system enhanced damage and weather effects and much more. Grand Theft Auto V for PlayStation 4 Xbox One and PC will also feature enhanced radio selections with over 100 additional new songs and new DJ mixes from returning DJs across the game s 17 radio stations. Enhancements to Grand Theft Auto Online include an increased player count with online play now for up to 30 players on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. All existing gameplay upgrades and Rockstar-created content released since the launch of Grand Theft Auto Online will also be available for the PlayStation 4 Xbox One and PC with much more to come. CLICK HERE TO BUY



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