Xbox One S 1TB Console - Battlefield V Bundle

CLICK HERE TO BUY Bundle includes Xbox One S console full-game downloads of Battlefield V Deluxe Edition Battlefield 1943 and Battlefield 1 Revolution 1-month Xbox Game Pass trial with access to over 100 games 14-day Xbox Live Gold trial and 1-month EA Access Includes full-game downloads of Battlefield 1943 and Battlefield 1 Revolution (including Premium Pass Expansions They Shall Not Pass In the Name of the Tsar Turning Tides Apocalypse and 14 Superior Battlepacks & unique dogtags) Lead your Company in all-out multiplayer with new experiences like the massive Grand Operations on the fastest most reliable gaming network Play over 1 300 games including more than 200 exclusives and over 400 classics from Xbox 360 and Original Xbox Xbox One family settings let you choose privacy screen time and content limits for each member of the family



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